#ABAOSunday: A Tribute to Mr. Brodie Lee

Today’s very special podcast, we are honoring a great man in the wrestling business. I know we’ve seen and heard the words of his WWE and AEW family. We’ve watched the Dynamite appreciation night which was absolutely beautiful. So, today, I’m asking you all to listen to a tribute to Brodie from his close friends and fellow wrestlers in Western and Upstate New York. People who were there through the indie days and beyond. As you’ll hear in this episode Brodie was a well loved, respected, legendary man especially to those in this area of the world. He never changed and always looked out for everyone here. He was a hero to so many, someone to look up to, a brother in a business where the word can be used too loosely and his legacy will live on. These stories, and memories will keep him alive and well forever. And so we say, Thank you Big Rig, for those you touched, and those you didn’t even realize you had such an impact on.



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