#ABAOSunday: Dianna Hammond

Imagine being able to go back in time to save a global icon, your favorite rockstar, from a terrible fate. That’s exactly where Dianna takes us in her book “Time x 2”. Did Paul McCartney pass away tragically in 1966? Was it covered up as the most iconic music group in the history of rock and roll continued on with a “Paul replacement”. Is the walrus Paul? So many questions have gone unanswered for 50 years. In this interview Dianna walks us through this historical fiction novel and why she believes that Paul McCartney did in fact pass away in 1966. To make things even more interesting Dianna had no interest in writing a book, or the “Paul is dead” Theory prior to this book! It came to her in a dream…coincidence? If you are a Beatles fan this is a must listen for you, We talk hidden messages, voice recognition, and the follow up to this book as well. This is where Rock N Roll and the Paranormal meet and we are bringing it to you hear on the All Bets Are Off Podcast with Robby Vegas.

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