#ABAOSunday – Just Shootin’

Whats up Rockers! We hope you’re enjoying your Wrestlemania weekend and today before we jump back into the show of shows Robby and Chazz are back just shootin’. Chazz brought in a list of wrestling related questions that Robby was hearing for the first time as they were asked and we cover all companies in this episode. Hitting WWE, AEW, Impact, ROH, NWA and even some NJPW so be sure to check it out during this wrestling filled weekend and we tossed out predictions at the end for mania (just a few) so go hear what we got wrong so far!

This Wrestlemania weekend is also a good time to support Indy wrestling so head on over to pro wrestling tees and search Rockstar Robby Vegas and grab you a shirt!



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