Amazon Prime Music 30 Day trial for FREE! A very easy, very free way to help us out…..

GERE Friends,
We have just been turned on to this new promotion via our Amazon partnership that can benefit both you and the GERE Network. As you know, both Get Ready, America and Better Live Than Dead incorporate a lot of music into their shows. Now through the power of Amazon and the magic of GERE Network, we are teaming up to offer you a Prime Music trial for absolutely nothing for 30 days.
Simply click the banner, log in with your Amazon login and sign up for the free trial. That’s it! You can enjoy thousands of songs and albums for free, and just for trying out Prime, Amazon will help GERE out regardless of what you decide to do past the trial period.
As always, we thank you for the most important partnership that we at GERE have, and that is our partnership with you all. Your support has been what keeps us going, and our sincerest thanks is not enough to show how very grateful we are. Stay tuned!

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