Chronicles of Cimino – Life Change, DDP Yoga, App Push

People of Earth,
Some might have noticed that for a brief time, I had sort of slowed down the work I was doing here at GERE Network. Personal situations arose that drastically altered the course of my plans for 2015, things that I can not discuss in depth at the moment, but needless to say I was thrown out of my comfort zone. I will be changing places of employment in the normal 9-5 gig, which was not my choice, but when large corporations talk things about “budgets” and how things MIGHT be in the future, you learn pretty quickly that you can’t assume that you will always be taken care of.

I can state unequivocally, that I made sure that I took the steps to make myself not only marketable, but make sure that I was prepared for the inevitable. I am happy to report that I am not going to see a stretch of unemployment going from one place to another, which I cannot say about some of the others impacted, and that was a testament to my will power to succeed. Many people like to limit themselves and say that they aren’t good enough for this or that…., stop. The only one or ones that set limits on themselves is you. YOU control what the world thinks of you. To those of you that pawn off all your short comings on anyone else, you’re not fooling anybody. Take control of you. Do what you can and do not settle for anything less than the best, because each of you reading this are capable of that. You don’t need me to tell you that, but I’m happy to re-enforce that if I need to.
DDP Yoga – It does exactly what everyone says it does. I am about 6 weeks in, and I am 100% on board with it. I don’t want to say that it is easy, because it isn’t. But in comparison to some other things, it is easy to understand and honestly, very fun to do. I am happy to say that I am seeing the difference in terms of flexibility and some of the detail in my arms returning. It uses “Dynamic Resistance” which essentially is your own weight and tension being used against yourself. I find that I enjoy the touchdown and Diamond Cutter workouts especially, while I’m just starting to come around to the crunches out of the broken table and the runners stance (I’m a flat foot and have some pain in the feet afterward….small sacrifice). I highly encourage anyone who might be on the fence for trying it to man up (or woman up) and try it. I promise you that you will not regret it.
App Push – I created the GERE Network App late 2014, first as an experiment and then I kind of let it just sit there. I’m pretty motivated to get the app going in a way where it will be as useful as the actual website itself. While it is a work in progress, that will be my 2015 push. In 2014, I worked on the brand and I am very proud of how far along the GERE team has come along. We are motivated in 2015 to continue the good push and provide fun content along the way. If you haven’t checked out the app, mind doing so? It’s on the upper bar on this site. It’s only available on Native Android…., for now. In the months to come, I’m going to get it on all of the markets and begin some app exclusive things that should be fun to do.
As always, I am very thankful for all of the support from the fans/listeners/friends, and for all of the teamwork with my solid squad here at GERE. The best assemblage of people that one could ask for. Here’s to taking 2015 and owning it.

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