Chronicles of Cimino – Same blog style, new profile.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Many of you know that I am the CEO of the GERE Network, this is not something that is news. For newer viewers though, this site originally was my own personal blog site and I spent a great amount of time building this as a platform for me to spew my venom or whatever is on my mind, in a literature sense. Since the launch of the network back in March, I have done more verbalizing than typing and while that is okay, not everything can be verbalized the moment you wish. With that, I have created a separate profile for myself to type as myself, while keeping the administrator profile of this site under the GERE Network banner, to avoid any confusion….if it even did.

So this particular blog is really just for me to get this statement of sentiment out there for everyone. In #GetReadyAmerica last week, I began giving my thanks to everyone for making this dream a reality. While I don’t have to, I like to operate on time constraints, similar to terrestrial radio. I did this figuring that it with any luck, maybe I might be picked up for a radio gig. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this would become something that means more to me than my work in professional wrestling did. Since March, I have studied the art and applied everything that I have learned and continue to learn, as well as feedback that folks have been kid to give, to try and make the product better all around. I am very happy with where we are and how far along we have come. I have been told that appearing on my network is an honor to some of those that have appeared but to me, it has been an honor for me to have so many willing to participate.
It’s funny, not too long after we began I saw a stupid comment from a shindy wrestling worker/promoter named Warpath in some lame attempt at trying to insult me, mentioned something about “pretending to be a DJ” and that my audience is all of five listeners. Even at that time, he was inaccurate because the growth was beginning to happen, but it lit a fire under me and I was more motivated than ever to shut that clownface up. I feel that I have succeeded and while that is satisfying to an extent, my feeling is that we are so far beyond people like him that it no longer is a chip on my shoulder, and has now been downgraded to something to joke about. I wish to thank him for that though, that’s cool.
I need to thank TNX Bombsquad, for giving me the crash course on some things before the first launch. Despite the rumors that there were some feelings of competition (ridiculous may I add), I think people realize that we are two totally different elements. I do not view them, or anyone else as competition because simply put, I put all of my energy into my product and invest in things to better my product from within. What anyone else does is none of my concern, and I legitimately mean that with every fiber of my being.
To the GERE Crew, which consists of Dawn, Ryan, Perez, and Marc, we could not have grown without the contributions from each and every one of you. I’ve said this before and I will continue to keep saying this, I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to work with and share in the common vision that we all have here. I look forward to a great 2015 with more opportunities for growth and possible expansion.
To all of you listeners, fans, and friends that have been beyond supportive, my words cannot emphasize enough how much I appreciate all of you, but I will continue to make sure that you all know this. From providing feedback to downloading, to shopping through one (or more) of our affiliate partners, from all the hits and comments, tweets and messages, everything. Simply put, and truly spoken, thank you. As long as you continue listening, we’ll continue podcasting.
Everybody please have a safe and happy holiday season and I look forward to continuing the funny, the sports, and the good talks in the weeks and years to come!
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