Lots of things, New chapter in life….

Hello faithful readers! It is crazy how things work out, isn’t it? The other day, I was looking through some of my old blogs and I came across one in September of 2012, where I said that my plans for this very site included an eventual venture into the podcasting world. It was a goal I set, not knowing really how I was going to get there.

Well, the time has come and the dream is beginning to take shape. I have started the GERE Network, which stands for the GiEm Radio Entertainment Network. Gi and Em meaning my two daughters, Gianna and Emma, whom keep me inspired to try new things to try and make them work. I want them to be able to see when they are older, that they should not be afraid to try anything. Follow your calling. I can safely say that I have taken risks in my life, or journeys (if you will), and each step has contributed to making me the person that I am today.
So I present to all of you, the GERE Radio Network. It is small and it will grow slowly, but I am just as passionate and serious about this as I was when I first started wrestling. I hope that you all enjoy what is being put out there as much as I will enjoy putting it out there. I have noticed that some of my practices have been adopted by other podcasters, which to me is a very sincere form of flattery. I truly feel that I am on to something here….
As with any upstart place, I am looking for sponsors. I figure that if companies or wrestling promotions will be so kind as to help out my cause, then I will work tirelessly to help yours by posting you all over my various forums and advertise you on all platforms (which will include some of the future programming coming to the Network).
For the listeners/supporters, I know times are tough and I am not asking for anything. However if you do like the product and would like to help contribute in any way, please click on the donate button and donate to the GERE Network. Donations will not go unnoticed and you will get a personal thank you on air.
Right now, content is free. There will be a membership exclusive series of specialty podcasts that will be made available in the future, but all of the basics will be free and will continue to be.
Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated. It will only help me to become better. Thank you for all of the support in my first month in this venture, and I promise to not let anyone down.
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