The GERE App is LIVE!!!

I’m proud of this one. We’ve always had an app, but I personally was never in love with it. Seemed very generic and I just didn’t like it. It was always available and updated by default, but never really promoted. I have spent the better part of the past few months tinkering and toying with different formats, and I have found the one that I am happy with using for the launch. So folks, it is my pleasure to introduce to you the official GERE Network App. Here is a list of things that you’re able to do right off the bat.

  1. Listen to our podcasts. Each show on the GERE Network is added and updated in real time, making it easier for you to listen to our content. As more programming is added, you’ll see it added on the app and you can listen on the go (with the screen locked, Mike Ewing) whenever you want, wherever you want.
  2. Follow our Twitter Feeds and Facebook Pages! The Twitter feeds for each show is on there for you to select and follow, right from the app! See live tweets from GERE Network, BLTD Sports, and Misguided Musings as well as the Facebook pages for GERE Network, The Get Ready, America! podcast, BLTD Sports, and Misguided Musings. Additionally, you can see the GERE Network Instagram account (and follow it too if you like).
  3. Shop Amazon. This is my personal favorite. You hear us talking about it all the time, “Shop our page, it helps us out”, etc. While that is true, the app makes it 150% easier to do it. When browsing the app, select “Shop Amazon” and it will take you right to your Amazon account. That’s it. Don’t open their app, open ours. Your purchases through our app (or link on your computer) tell Amazon that we referred you to them, and they kick back a small percentage of that sale to us to help cover production costs. As always, there are no added charges to you, no surprises. Nada. Zilch. Zero. No catches. Just use our app, and do your thing.

That’s a sneak peak. There is more in there now, and more to come in the weeks and months ahead. If you haven’t yet, head over to and download the app right from there on your Android device, or save it to your home screen for you Apple users. They will be on the respective markets eventually, but for now, that’s the way to get the app. Let me know what you think! If you need help installing, I’ll attach the page with the instructions to this blog.
Thank you again, and as we close out year number two of the GERE Network, I personally reaffirm that without any of you, this little dream would not have grown like it has. Through this, I have built friendships, and business partners, and have entertained and have been entertained, and have memories that will last a lifetime.
To all of the GERE Personalities, my thanks is not enough for all that you have done for the network. I am forever grateful, and am looking forward to an even better third year.
Cheers, all!
For instructions on how to download the App, click here.

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