The GERE Network Fantasy Football League!

Football Fans,
The GERE Network has a bunch of avid football fans and Fantasy Football players. With that, we will be launching a Fantasy Football sports podcast this fall, but why not have some fun with it?
We are looking for a few good people to join us on this first season of fun! The GERE Network has set up a Fantasy Football PPR League, powered by Yahoo and we are looking for interested participants that would like to play the game with us. The game is 100% free to play, and the winner of the league will not only be crowned the first GERE Network FFL Champion (name of the league to be determined later), but will also be featured on the season finale of Fantasy Football Weekly, which will be broadcast to the thousands listening on and the millions listening on iHeartRadio.
Interested participants please fill out the form with the e-mail address that you would like the invite sent to. We are looking for at least 10 teams, no more than 12. Depending on the reception for this, we may open this up for other sports….namely Hockey.
Let us know!


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